Addresses of companies in Germany and Europe

Company Germany and Europe

Gain strategic access to European business contacts. Explore our extensive network, which includes over 20 million addresses of companies in Germany and Europe. Benefit from our detailed address lists to realize the full potential of your company and write new chapters of your success. We provide you with the keys to companies from 38 countries to realize your business ambitions.

You can select according to different company key figures and thus address small, medium-sized or top companies in Germany or other European countries. Whether companies with high turnover or companies in certain NACE sectors or other key figures: We select your desired target group.

Contacts across national borders

Our exclusive address lists give you direct access to companies in Germany and Europe. Whether you want to reach the largest companies in Germany or establish cross-border connections in Europe, our database covers a wide range of company data. We enable you to make efficient and targeted contact with companies in other European countries and thus strengthen your presence on the European market.

Expand your business in core markets such as France, Spain, the Netherlands or Italy with our support. Our address data is always up-to-date and of the highest quality to ensure the success of your marketing campaigns. We understand that accurate and reliable information is the key to effective market strategies.

Finding the right target group, especially abroad, is often a challenge. Our experts are on hand to help you identify the ideal addresses based on specific criteria such as sector, region and turnover size. We help you to precisely define your target group and thus increase your chances of successful business deals.

For fast and effective information retrieval, you will receive the Creditreform number for company addresses from selected countries. This gives you immediate access to important data, such as credit checks, so that you can make informed decisions.

We take data protection seriously. Our processes comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure the security of your data and that of your business partners.

Your reliable partner for high-quality business addresses

Start your success story with us: With access to the most comprehensive and highest quality address lists, we are your partner on the road to business success throughout Europe. Let’s make new contacts with companies in Germany and Europe together and realize your business goals.

Expand successfully with these B2B addresses

Our potential for you in other European countries: 20 million addresses from 38 countries.

Other address solutions for marketing and sales

Precise leads through advanced web research

Increase your efficiency in lead generation with our web research. Refine your market segmentation and acquire new customers in a targeted and efficient manner.

Direct contact with managers

Benefit from direct access to senior executives in key areas such as marketing, purchasing, sales, engineering, works council, security and more to significantly improve your sales and marketing strategies.

Data protection compliant address lists

We offer up-to-date and GDPR-compliant B2B address lists and ensure transparency in the acquisition process.

In accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, the processing of company data and, where applicable, personal data of contact persons is permitted if it is “necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data …”.

One such legitimate interest is direct advertising (synonymous with dialog marketing). It is explicitly mentioned in recital 47 of the GDPR.
Additional data protection guidelines must be observed when using company addresses. These guidelines include the obligation to inform data subjects about data processing.
Data subjects are also free to object to the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes.

In order to ensure transparency regarding data processing and the rights of data subjects, including the right to object, beDirect follows the guidelines of the German Dialog Marketing Association (DDV).
We advise advertisers to include a footer text in their mailings or, in the case of telephone marketing, to refer to the responsible body as well as to the right of objection and further data protection information on the beDirect homepage.

Marketing via telephone is permitted in B2B. The following rules must be observed:
Companies may be called if there is a presumed interest, especially in the case of industry- or profession-specific offers (Section 7 UWG).
The express consent of the consumer must be documented. In addition, a five-year retention period applies (§7a UWG).
The person called must be informed of their data protection rights, including the right to object.

Advertising by e-mail is only permitted with prior consent (according to §7 Abs. 2 sentence 1 UWG. ) and the burden of proof lies with the advertiser.

A single opt-in, i.e. only registering the e-mail address on the sender’s website, is not sufficient. This is why the double opt-in procedure has become established in practice. After registration, the consenting person receives a confirmation e-mail in which they must confirm their consent by clicking on a link.

Please note that this does not constitute legal advice and cannot replace consultation with a qualified lawyer.

In-depth study of the NACE classification system

Basics of the NACE classification: Essential for effective market strategies

Companies are categorized into specific sections based on their economic activities, with each section being assigned a unique industry code according to the NACE standard. This structured classification follows international guidelines and allows a detailed breakdown of the market.

Configuration and structure of the NACE categorization

Our wide range of high-quality addresses of companies from Germany and Europe make us your ideal partner for the expansion of your company.

Thanks to our detailed company directory, you can select company addresses precisely according to your specific needs. Our flexible database helps you to realize your B2B marketing goals and improve your market position.

Use the targeted segmentation of your target groups to use your marketing budget effectively, reduce wastage and maximize your return on investment.

Our address databases are certified in accordance with the latest data protection guidelines in Germany and the EU, offer legal protection and help to protect your corporate image.

Increase engagement and strengthen relationships with your B2B target group through customized communication measures. Our methods improve conversion rates and promote brand loyalty at the same time.

The structure of the NACE code comprises several hierarchical levels

Similar to the German WZ 2008, the NACE code is divided into several levels to enable a detailed classification of economic activities.


Creative and goal-oriented

Our sales team

Eric Konrad

Senior Partner & Alliance Manager

André Schmidt

Head of Direct & Partner Sales

Michael Färbinger

Senior Key Account Manager

Discover the many opportunities that our network offers you. Benefit from the expertise of our team and write your own success story in collaboration with Europe’s leading companies. Your journey to cross-border success starts here, with us.

Addresses of companies in Germany and Europe

Ich interessiere mich für Unternehmensadressen aus Deutschland und Europa

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Ich interessiere mich für die Anreicherung meiner Kundendaten!

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Ich interessiere mich für B2B-Leads durch Web-Recherche

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Ich interessiere mich für die Produkte und Lösungen von beDirect

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Ich interessiere mich für B2B-Leads durch Web-Recherche

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Ich interessiere mich für Adressen von Ansprechpartnern und Funktionsträgern.

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Ich interessiere mich für die Verifizierung von B2B-Adressen in Echtzeit

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Ich interessiere mich für die Bereinigung und Anreicherung meiner Stammdaten

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Ich interessiere mich für die Bereinigung und Anreicherung meiner B2B-Datenbank

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Ich interessiere mich für die CRM-Integration

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Ich interessiere mich für den Waschabgleich meiner B2B-Mailinglisten

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Alle Adressen durchlaufen einen gründlichen Waschabgleich – das steigert Ihre Effizienz.

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