Super master data: 1-class validation for top DQM!

We check your data, remove duplicates from your database, update outdated entries and enrich them with missing information.

With up-to-date and correct master data, you minimize wastage, improve the data basis for your business decisions and increase your efficiency.

The solution: Clean master data

Invalid, incomplete or outdated address data can lead to considerable problems:

Optimierte Leadgenerierung durch qualitativ hochwertige Daten

Missed sales due to incorrect contact data.

Optimierte Leadgenerierung durch qualitativ hochwertige Daten

Inefficient campaigns, as wastage ties up unnecessary resources.

Optimierte Leadgenerierung durch qualitativ hochwertige Daten

Cost trap due to inefficient processes and returns.

Our solution: Systematic cleansing and enrichment of your B2B database so that you can generate targeted leads and make optimum use of resources.

Our services - data validation at the highest level

Automatisierter Datenabgleich zur Vermeidung von Fehlern
Strukturierte B2B-Datenbank mit validierten Unternehmensdaten
Prüfung und Korrektur von Adressdaten in einer Kundenliste
Analyse der Datenqualität in einer Unternehmensdatenbank
Darstellung der Aktualität von Unternehmensdaten in einer Datenbank

Step 1 - Data audit

Clarity about your data quality

  • Up-to-dateness of the data records

  • Completeness of the information

  • Structure and plausibility

  • Historical and incorrect data

Result: You receive a clear overview of the status of your data and a recommendation for action to optimize it.

Step 2 - Cleanup

Create consistency

During the initial cleanup, duplicates are cleansed, negative and blocked addresses are marked and the master data is updated.

Effect: Streamlined database, greater efficiency and less work.

Duplicate data records lead to chaos and cost money. Our duplicate check identifies and removes them – precisely and reliably.

Step 3 - Data enrichment

Business Insights

Add valuable information to your database: Industry affiliation, employee numbers and more.

Your advantage: target group-specific approach, personalized campaigns and well-founded decisions.

Why act now? The consequences of outdated data

Outdated B2B data causes high losses every year:

Our reference database ensures that your data is correct, complete and up-to-date.

More details and background information

Reference database

Our reference database consists of approx. 5.5 million companies and tradespeople, NGOs and authorities from Germany and Austria.

Over 12.5 million addresses are historical data used to validate customer data.

Thanks to historization in our reference database, even older data records can be correctly identified and later enriched with current information.

In order to update your customer database as comprehensively as possible, we rely on a solid Creditreform database and supplement this with data from partnerships and web crawling.

A lot of company information changes every year: Reorganizations, changes in legal form, business closures or relocations quickly render existing data unusable.

Regelmäßige Stammdatenpflege für bessere Datenkonsistenz

The consequences of outdated data are:

Regular updates of your address data ensure data quality and help you to respond better to market changes.

The quality of your data significantly influences the accuracy of your marketing strategies and the effectiveness of your business decisions.

Here are six essential criteria to help you assess your data quality.

Rely on our expertise to identify and validate your B2B addresses. We ensure correct, complete address data, which is crucial for successful communication and well-founded decisions in lead marketing and sales. Accurate address data ensures that your marketing measures reach the right people directly, increasing your success rate.
With the right data management solution, we ensure accurate and fully validated address data that not only optimizes your marketing activities, but also meets compliance requirements and minimizes legal risks. Incorrect or incomplete data can lead to legal problems or compliance violations. Our solution ensures that your data always complies with legal requirements. The combination of these criteria creates a robust foundation for data-driven strategies. Companies that consistently implement these criteria achieve higher success rates in marketing and sales.
Avoid duplicates (intra-duplicates as well as hidden duplicates) in your B2B database by validating with a reference database incl. historical data.
Complete data maintenance is essential for well-founded decisions. As soon as your company lacks certain basic data, it can become difficult to categorize your customer data into specific target groups for targeted marketing. At the same time, however, it is also important to observe the data protection principle of data minimization. This means: only store necessary information in order to use your customer database effectively for targeted marketing and improve data quality at the same time.
The first-time-right principle ensures error-free data maintenance and data hygiene across different locations and avoids inconsistencies. New customer data is identified and checked as soon as it is entered for the first time.
With our data management, you have up-to-date, relevant information and avoid economic damage by eliminating and correcting outdated addresses. Up-to-date address data is crucial for reaching your customers. Avoid the consequences of undeliverable mailings and missed contact attempts due to outdated information. Continuous data maintenance keeps you up to date and increases the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Our client has collected numerous address data in the B2B and B2C sectors over decades. The focus was not on master data maintenance. There was a lack of automated data cleansing and duplicate checking.

This led to problems with accessibility and the delivery of important mail.
The reason for the strategic decision to scrutinize the company’s own database was the introduction of a new ERP system. 240,000 addresses were distributed decentrally across various departments and not separated into B2B and B2C.

Customer requirements

  1. Clear identification of private and company addresses

  2. Separation of billing and delivery addresses

  3. Enrichment with additional features, including geodetic height above sea level

  4. Address verification and updating

  5. Database free of duplicates

Experience and expertise of two service providers from a single source

Together with a specialist for consumer data, we created a solution that covers both the B2B and B2C address databases. The beDirect team was responsible for project management and the corresponding contract management.

Data audit

First of all, a data audit was carried out, which provided information on the quality of the database in terms of up-to-dateness, deliverability and possible additional features. This formed the basis for discussing the objectives and framework conditions of the master data project.

The entire database was handed over to beDirect as project manager, which carried out a comparison against the B2B reference database with 18 million business data. This revealed that some of the addresses marked as private concealed companies and that many addresses had been relocated, renamed, deleted or declared bankrupt.

The rest of the database was checked against our partner’s consumer address database, which revealed incorrect formatting and addresses, relocations and undeliverable or deceased persons. The high number of duplicates was striking.

The data cleansing and enrichment of almost 80,000 B2B addresses and around 160,000 B2C addresses was initiated and the results delivered back to the customer from a single source.

Both databases were enriched with geodetic height above sea level information on request. This information describes the altitude of cities and towns in meters above sea level and is a relevant detail for our client’s business activities.

Our customer had numerous invoice and delivery addresses that had previously been created in one data record. In order to identify these addresses, beDirect developed its own logic to generate two data records from one. In over 1,000 cases, two different data records were identified in the B2B area.

Thanks to the extensive data cleansing and duplicate checking measures, our customer was able to significantly improve the quality of its master data. Duplicates were identified and duplicates removed.
The address validation and address check ensures that the customer now benefits from a clean and up-to-date database.

Thanks to the extensive data cleansing and duplicate checking measures, our customer was able to significantly improve the quality of its master data. Duplicates were identified and duplicates removed.
The address validation and address check ensures that the customer now benefits from a clean and up-to-date database.

Clear allocation to the categories companies and private individuals

Demand-oriented determination of conditions and additional income

Merging of duplicates

Avoidance of multiple applications

Identification of 4,400 defunct and insolvent companies and 7,400 addresses to which either service is not possible or to which deceased persons have already been listed

Cost savings

Restoring the accessibility of 7,600 historical B2B addresses and 3,800 private relocations

Customer reactivation

Further customized address services

Company addresses

Select new customers online and download them directly. Find the right target group in < encoded_tag_closed >5.5 million addresses from Germany and Austria.


The user’s registration data is verified in real time during the ordering process.

CRM integration

Update, cleanse and maintain customer data in your own CRM.

Automated address creation saves time and avoids errors.

Ich interessiere mich für die Bereinigung und Anreicherung meiner Stammdaten

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Ich interessiere mich für die Anreicherung meiner Kundendaten!

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Ich interessiere mich für Unternehmensadressen aus Deutschland und Europa

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Ich interessiere mich für B2B-Leads durch Web-Recherche

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Ich interessiere mich für Adressen von Ansprechpartnern und Funktionsträgern.

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Ich interessiere mich für die Verifizierung von B2B-Adressen in Echtzeit

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Ich interessiere mich für die Bereinigung und Anreicherung meiner B2B-Datenbank

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Ich interessiere mich für die CRM-Integration

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Ich interessiere mich für den Waschabgleich meiner B2B-Mailinglisten

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Alle Adressen durchlaufen einen gründlichen Waschabgleich – das steigert Ihre Effizienz.

Ihr Widerspruch wurde erfolgreich übermittelt!

Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) sieht vor, dass innerhalb von 4 Wochen eine Bearbeitung erfolgen muss. Selbstverständlich werden wir diese Frist einhalten.

Werbewiderspruch für Unternehmen (personenbezogene Daten)

Ich möchte, dass meine Daten (personenbezogen) zukünftig nicht mehr zu Marketingzwecken genutzt werden.

Mit der Betätigung der Schaltfläche „Widerspruch absenden“ bestätige ich, dass ich die Datenschutzbestimmungen zur Kenntnis genommen habe.